Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 1: Introduction

My name is Barclay Weddle. I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma and am currently a senior at OU. I am studying biochemistry and applying to medical school. I love Oklahoma and would be honored stay here and go to medical school at OU and live in OKC. I'm only in seven hours this semester, so my semester will be pretty laid back. I'm in a fraternity on campus and like to play raquetball in my spare time. Because my class load is light this semester, I am planning on volunteering at a hospital or clinic. I went to EMT school the summer after I graduated high school, so I have some experience in the medical field. Hopefully I will be able to find a volunteer position where I will be able to use some of those skills.

I have a dog named Indy, and she is a Scottish Deerhound. Deerhounds are very large and were bred to hunt deer and wolves in Scotland. However, they are a very docile breed and prefer to lay around most of the day. I like to take her to the dog park, where she can run around freely off a leash and play with other dogs. Deerhounds have a very high prey drive, and if I let her off the leash anywhere that isn't fenced in, she will chase the nearest moving car or animal.

A Scottish Deerhound, Wikipedia

I really enjoy ancient epics and am excited to learn about the Indian Epics. In high school I took Latin and read several Greek Epics and The Aeneid. However, I struggle with creating stories and being creative in that aspect, so that part of the class would be challenging for me. I would honestly rather learn about chemistry than write a story, and even the first 300 word story was a challenge for me. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Barclay!

    That's awesome that you're in a STEM field. I'm getting more of a classical education, which has its benefits, but if I had to do it over again I think I would have chosen something different. The older I get the more I understand how important science and technology will be to our future as a species, and I get bummed out thinking I will only be a spectator. C'est la vie.

    I'm also a dog guy. I have a yellow Labrador Retriever named J.B., which is short for John Brown, but I just call him Jabes (yes, with a "b"). I'll keep an eye out for any Scottish Deerhounds at the Norman city dog park.

    Don't let the writing aspect of this class scare you. I've been in Laura's classes before, and three hundred words is nothin' once you get into the swing of it. Just pretend you're writing a lengthier abstract. You did well with the first assignment, so I'll think you'll be fine. Effort is the most important ingredient for success in one of Laura's classes.


  3. Good luck applying to medical school! It sounds like you're very dedicated to your future career and I think that's awesome. All my roommates from last year were med majors as well so i've seen the time consumption and work load that comes along with it.

    As you've probably read in my Intro, I have a dog too. He's a boxer mix named Bentley. We go to the dog park all the time, it's his favorite thing in the world. I'll keep and eye out for Indy next time we go.

  4. Hi Barclay! Wow, your life sounds really interesting. What other classes are you in this semester? Are you just taking Indian Epics to fulfill a Non-Western Civ credit? I am also from Tulsa! I love Oklahoma a lot, but I do not want to live here for the rest of my life. Good for you though! I have a lot of friends who are applying to medical school. Have you taken the MCAT yet?

    Indy seems like a really great dog. That’s very impressive how instinctual she is!! Kind of scary too. Did you train her or did your parents?

    I have trouble with the 300 word stories too. I think this class is going to be pretty challenging! Good luck this semester!

  5. Just seven hours... wow, Barclay, I bet there are some other students in class who are going to really jealous of you and all that freedom... especially when midterms roll around! And listen: not to worry about the stories... with just a little practice, believe me, the stories will just start to come to you, and you won't be able to stop them, ha ha. One nice thing about the way this class works is that after reading Narayan's Ramayana, you will then read the version by another author, and it will just feel so different from Narayan's version in so many ways. Seeing how those two books are both similar and different is a really good way to show how the stories really DO want to re-told in new ways! Water is always H2O ... but Rama...? Well, Rama is never quite the same; every storyteller imagines Rama in their own way! :-)

  6. Hi Barclay! Seven hours sounds so heavenly compared to my 17. I was a Biochemistry major but switched to Microbiology recently. I definitely think that I am more of a Mbio major than a Biochem one. I really wanted to volunteer at a clinic or hospital this summer too, but found no time with two classes and a part time job that felt a lot like a full time one. I actually have the same problem with being creative. I took this class thinking it was just going to be a bunch of opinions and reading, but now that I have to do all this writing, I'm slightly concerned. I'm not creative at all. Good luck with getting into Medical School though! I have the same aspirations, so definitely let me know how everything goes.

  7. Hello Barclay! I am from Tulsa as well. Great place! That's really cool that you're a biochem major. I'm chemical biosciences, which is kind of like biochem. Good luck with the medical school process. It's a hard process, but you'll have no problems getting in. I'm not creative at all (more of a math and science person), so I agree with you when you say this class will challenge your creativity.

  8. Hi Barclay! I am actually a Chemical Biosciences major so I think we probably have taken pretty similar classes. I was actually pre-med all through college and even sent in my application to medical school, but I ended up changing my mind this summer and withdrawing my application. I hope that everything goes well with the medical school process for you, because we definitely need more good doctors! Have you looked into volunteering at the Manos Juntas free clinic in OKC? It's definitely a good place to get a little hands-on experience.
    I know what you mean about the creativity part of this class, although I think it's a nice change from our normal classes. I'm sure as you get more experience with it, it will get easier!

  9. Hey Barclay, nice getting to read a bit about you. It is awesome that you have a Deerhound, what a great breed. I know they are very similar to the Irish Wolfhound, a breed I have looked at for my first dog. I completely understand where you are coming from with the creative challenges that this class presents. I am not a very creative person either so I really struggle every week when it comes to the Storytelling posts. Hopefully we both will benefit from the necessity of creativeness in this class.

  10. Hey Barclay! I am also a pre-med student and would really like to go to OU's medical school in the city! I give you massive props for being a biochemistry major because I took intro to biochemistry this summer and it was a difficult class! I couldn't even imagine majoring in it. Its really cool that you went to EMT school after high school, I'm sure that will look really interesting on your med school apps!

  11. Hi Barclay! I have to say, I am very jealous about how light your work load is this semester with taking only seven hours. I think that is great that you want to use that free time you have to volunteer and especially use skills that you have obtained in your past! I'm sure you will do great in the medical field and I wish you nothing but luck for you hopefully getting in to OU Medical School!

  12. Hello, Barclay! I wish I had your workload this semester; I'm taking a heavy 16 hours, so 7 hours would be a relief, haha. But it's fantastic that the free time you do have you are using to volunteer. And it definitely seems like you are well on your way into the medical field, so congratulations!

    I also love (any and all) ancient epics, so I can relate to your excitement in regards to this class. And I can honestly say that your stories are perfectly fine, so it seems you have found some sort of creativity after all, lol. Can't wait to read more of your posts this semester!

  13. Hey Braclay! It is really great how you want to pursue a career in the medical field. I want to go to dental school, so I understand the pressure you must be going through. I also really like dogs. I have always wanted a Siberian husky, but never been able to get one because of the amount of responsibility it would add.

  14. Hey Barclay. First of all, I am really jealous that you're only taking 7 hours this semester. I'm only taking 15 hours this semester, but it's still pretty stressful. That's okay though because after this semester, I'll only have 35 hours to spread across 3 semesters so it should get better! I think its cool that you're looking to volunteer. Have you tried Manos Juntas? Its a pretty neat experience if not. I've also volunteered about 100 hours at St Anthony in OKC. They have a really cool volunteer program and I'd definitely recommend looking into it. It was nice to get to know a little about you. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  15. Hey Barclay!
    What was EMT school like? I've thought about taking it myself!
    I like the picture you chose. Big, lazy lapdogs are my kind of pet! I had a lab who weighed 100lbs at one point and she would still hop up in your lap like a yorkie.
    It's cool that you took Latin in high school, it wasn't even offered at mine! Do you find that it has helped you with your english writing?
    Also, what part of the medical field do you want to go into?

  16. Hi Barclay! First of all, best of luck with med school! I also would love to be able to go to school in OKC next year! I am a pre-OT major, so I am in a similar boat as you! Your dog sounds awesome. I don't think I have ever actually seen a Scottish Deerhound, but they look beautiful! I just got a dog a couple of weeks ago, he is a 7 month old golden retriever so we are always as the dog parks as well! I rescued him from the shelter, because they were going to put him down that day if no one had adopted him! It must be so nice to only be in 7 hours this semester... I'm sure you have had some pretty tough semesters in the past so you must really be enjoying this semester! I also really struggle with the creativity part of this class. The storytelling posts take me a really long time, but I'm excited to hopefully get better at it!

  17. Hey Barclay. I'm Catherine. First, I think it is incredible that you want to go to Med School. I have and will always admire the field of medicine. Also, I think it is awesome that you are only taking seven hours. I wish I were only taking seven hours. I totally understand what you said about writing stories, it can be a challenge. It is nice to meet you.
